For The Healthcare Worker

Dedicated Telehealth Workspaces
Telehealth, once considered a nice-to-have, is now an essential aspect of healthcare delivery. Ensuring the continuation of care for patients remains vital, even when they can’t get to you. How do we create a best-in-class telehealth workspace available to improve effective communication between healthcare workers, patients, and their families?

​One answer is by creating a dedicated clinician workspace with purpose-built Hush telehealth pods. The advantage of a dedicated space is that everything it contains can be optimised for telehealth, to make the appointment run smoothly. No matter who the care provider is, they can operate on a walk-in, walk-out basis with a suitably set-up Hush telehealth pod.

​ - Acoustic pods by design provide sound barriers to noise, both in and out, to maintain privacy.

- Pods allow users to control the environment with dimmable lighting and adjustable airflow for comfort, important when completing several consultations in a row.

- Pods are made with antimicrobial material and finishes that are easy to clean and be kept clean, for your peace of mind. 

- Booths can be easily relocated to meet the changing needs of a clinic.

​Acoustic telehealth pods will satisfy demand from healthcare providers that want the ability to have a digitally equipped, private, and comfortable space for telehealth consultations, particularly for instances where they are delivering high numbers of appointments per month.

Are you a healthcare provider? Let us know how we can help you with Hushpods for telehealth services